Sits in a shallow bath with a water Matt underneath or in with us. She has bath toys. When washing shampoo out we have a tug we pour over her, little bits at a time but also gets her used to the water over her eyes x
@Vicky yeah he isn't a fan of it going in his eyes I just worried about the shampoo getting in them. He hates when I try to lie him back same with nappy changes he always sits up mid change 🙈 haha
Yeah we do a shallow bath too, have for a while now as she grew out of the baby bath and seat quite quickly 😅 luckily she's loved a bath from the beginning and very quickly got used to water on her face, so like the others we use a jug for washing her hair, I'm not too precious about water getting on her face as she's fine with it but I do use my hand as a shield for the worst of it. She's so active in the bath that washing her is a sport but we manage 😂 We have a thing that sticks on the side that you put water in and it flows through that she likes, a bath book and loadssss of balls and ducks 😂
We shower together, he just sits in the bottom of the shower tray x
I use a baby bath still as we don’t have a bath. He plays with the water jug mostly. Loves trying to catch the water if I pour it into the bath. Simple child 😆
Our little boy sits in a shallow bath. We just have some balls that he likes to try catch, but mostly he’s interested in trying to eat the sponge 😂 the bath is shallow enough that we can lie him back in it, but we just have a jug we use for rinsing and pour the water over him. It’s good for them to get used to water on their face/eyes as it makes them less scared of the water for swimming etc