Late crawler

Heya, my LO is nearly 11 months and still not crawling. Every time I put her into the crawl position she just rolls out of it. She can weight bear fine, and will lean forward onto her front to reach things, and will roll her way around the room but just isn’t crawling. Her sister bum shuffled so I’ve been looking out for that too but nothing yet! Are there any exercises/tricks we can try to help get her moving? Thank you!
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No idea about exercises other than the normal practicing tricks like a rolled up blanket or scarf under the belly and you hold each side and gently hold them off the ground and see if they move their arms and legs; Or place them on all fours and hold their back legs and gently rock them forwards and backwards etc! If it helps, my first born didnt do anything part from roll until 13 months when she eventually started to crawl and my second bum shuffled from 7 months then crawled at 9 months! It's interesting to see the differences 🥰

My first was walking before he was one and my second just about crawled by the time he was one, I just think every baby is different x

My little boy is the same age and doing (or not doing) the same, he bears weight in crawling position and goes no further but I think rolling around just comes easier to him as he’s super fast at it 🤣 just trying not to stress about it!

My baby girl is one next Tuesday and still isn't crawling. She gets in the crawling postion and then rolls 🤣

My youngest is 11 months old in 3 weeks and she has showed no signs of crawling, none. She’s rolling everywhere, and clapping away. But crawling isn’t happy. I’m not worried because I spoke to my health visitor at her check up and she said she’ll do it when she’s ready, and that I’ll go back in 3 months to see where she’s at. Your LO is probably doing the same thing taking their sweet time. If they don’t have to be active they won’t 😂

This sounds like it could have been written about my little one. She only rolled and showed no interest in crawling until she was 11.5-12months. Then it was an army crawl - just arms. She started nursery at 12 months though and is crawling so much better and now is trying to pull herself into standing. I was so worried about it from about 9 months that she would only roll (the health visitor declaring she was behind didn’t help). But I’ve been amazed how quickly she’s progressed once she’s set her mind to it. I just don’t think she could be bothered before, rolling was easier for her 😂

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