You get your IV put in in the room and meet your surgical team then you walk to the theater sit down on the table where you will get your spinal you are basically naked on the table while waiting for spinal to fully work and they wipe you down and prep you. You talk to anesthesiologist and your partner will come in right before the curtain comes up. The anesthesiologist will check you with a cool mist to make sure you’re ready. They will begin you will feel pressure and tugging then your baby comes out and you hear them where your partner can go over and get pictures and hold them after they’re cleaned up and then bring them over to you. Then you have about 30 more minutes of being on the table being stitched up you will still feel pulling and tugging. Baby and partner went to post op during this time so they could finish closing me up then they slide you onto a bed to go to post op to see baby and spend more skin to skin time. I was also terrified but wasn’t as terrible as I made it
You got this!
I had a scheduled c section. You get there 2.5 hours before your procedure. I disassociated during the entire 20 minutes it took to get both of my babies out. I 1000% made it worse in my head. The spinal was not as and as I thought it would be and you go numb instantly. I could still feel my toes though during the whole thing. You really just lay there like Jesus in the cross (arms spread out wide) and I closed my eyes and let everything happen. It kind of felt like a roller coaster the way my body was moving. They asked me if I wanted to see or hold both babies and I said no because I was elsewhere lol. My husband got to cut both cords for the twins and I got the spinal around 11:55 am and my son was born at 12:11 and my daughter 12:13 pm and I was I. Recovery with them by 12:30 pm. It goes really quick. The best advice I can give you is to get up and walk as soon as you can. The more you move the easier it’s going to be when you get home.
My c section experience was great! They have me the spinal, laid me down & then my husband came in. The actual laying there part, I don’t even remember. My husband said my body was being tugged all over the place & I was just smiling and talking to him. My son was out in 7 minutes. My husband got up and was able to see the baby and take pictures. They put the baby by me, but I couldn’t hold him since my IV was in my wrist. They stitched me up in about 30 mins then I was in recovery for about an hour holding & latching my son.
I had an emergency c section, it went so smoothly despite it being an emergency. They explained everything each step of the way. Had a cannula inserted and I had a spinal block so was numb waist down and started to feel cold so they gave me a drug to warm me up and wrapped me up after. I just felt some Tugging and pulling but otherwise nothing else much and you can't see anything as the screen is between you. Then baby came out with a cry so they showed her to us and dad got to cut the cord hold her and he brought her to me. Once I was all stitched up we managed to have our golden hour skin to skin where I attempted to breastfeed. It was just perfect that I'd now think about opting an elective c section if I had a 2nd sometimes or thinking of a vaginal delivery vbac. Goodluck and my dms open if you want to chat further xx
I had a C-section after a failed inducement. It was the fastest thing ever, lol by the time my husband even had the gown on the baby, was already being pulled out and within five minutes I have my baby in my arms on the way to recovery room. I’m gonna attempt at vaginal for my second baby, but I’m not scared of the C-section anymore.
Wow thank you guys so much all of you, you have answered to many questions I had in my head and really just gave me so much mental relief I can honestly say I was absolutely terrified before reading all of this and now I am almost excited still nervous of course but definitely not scared like I was so again thank you so much!!
@Mikkie you're welcome hun ☺️ enjoy the process and soak it all in the newborn bubble I miss so much!
I had an emergency C-section but despite my fears and knowing nothing about it it was a nice experience ! I heard him cry right away (big relief) They put my baby skin skin in the hour, I could breastfeed him aw well in less than an hour ! (I understood that you gonna have a planned c section, you can ask them now and then for that if it is important for you !) Recovery is not that bad, the most you move and walk, the quicker you feel better ! I also think my physiotherapist helped me a lot after birth to do the right massages and right exercises for my belly !
Mine was emergency section and as weird as it sounds the best experience, it couldn't have gone any better. Didn't feel a thing, only just slight pressure from where they're pushing a little to get baby out but it's absolutely fine. Best thing do is just lie there and listen to the music and look at your partner, it's sooo fast l. everyone was so lovely and gentle with me too. I will be having a section for my second 1000 percent, don't worry ❤️
No need to be terrified. I had a lovely experience. I had an unplanned c section. I already had my epidural but it needed topped up for the section. Hubby got taken away to get in a gown and he wasn’t allowed back until the team were set up. I could hear the scrubbers counting whilst my anaesthetic team sorted me out and hooked me up to the anaesthetic machine and drips. My husband then joined me. He got a seat right up by my head. I got covered by a screen so there was no peeking. One of the drugs made me shake but that is a normal side effect. I could feel them pulling and tugging but it was not sore. They pulled baby out (from knife to skin to out is usually 5 -10 minutes). They made a note of the time and began delayed cord clamping. Eventually we heard him cry. I could feel that cry in my boobs. We never knew the gender. So then they lifted him up over the sheets and we could see he was a boy. He then went off to the side to get cleaned off and weighed and checked over.
My husband got him to hold once the initial checks were done. Then baby got placed lovingly by my head whilst the surgeons closed me up. I can’t really remember much after that. I went to theatre recovery for a bit, but I think I mostly slept. Then up back to the ward.
I had an emergency section so didn’t get to hold baby when he came out as he wasn’t breathing but everything else was absolutely fine. Just felt some pulling, no pain after the spinal. Staff were amazing, they did bring baby over to me to show me after they had worked on him and then managed to do skin to skin in the recovery room after, which was quite quick. I would recommend you keep on top of pain meds after and a tip would be to get something silk to sit/lie on, makes it easier to swivel, like getting out of bed or the car because it’s slippery. But overall good experience and pain after is totally manageable
I had my second my elective C-section last week and had a really positive experience. The birth experience and the recovery has been 100x better than my vaginal delivery with my first. There was a lot of waiting around in the morning and I was pretty hungry by time we got in because of the fasting. They put a cannula in me for meds during the operation (I believe antibiotics) and then the anesthesiologist did the spinal, they use a local anesthetic first so you can't feel it. Then they put a screen up. Baby was out before I even realized they'd started the surgery it was that quick, I heard him cry, they did delayed cord clamping then they brought him so I could see him but did some checks and weighed him before putting him on my chest for the remainder of the operation. I could feel tugging sensations etc with the spinal but no pain. Honestly once baby was out nothing else mattered as all my focus was on him.
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I had an emergency c section, and it was a lovely experience. I was prepped for theatre hours beforehand as babies' heart rate dropped after contractions. Was wheeled to theatre just before 2pm, the spinal block didn't hurt. Was helped to lay down, my partner was with my the whole time.. was chatting away to the staff. Seeing if I wanted different music on. Was numb from under the boobs downwards. The tugging and pressure from getting the baby out was really odd. He cried straight away, and the surgeon said he's got red hair. They lowered the screen , so we could see our son. They went and cleaned him up as he had a poo inside me. Then we had skin to skin whilst I was getting sown up. Was in and out within the hour. Get up and walking as soon as you can. Just be prepared the pain was intense, getting out of bed the first time. Keep mobile and take regular pain relief. I would definitely have another c section if I have more kids
I had an emergency c section, I wasn’t handed baby to hold which I found a bit upsetting however I think this was because of blood loss and the medication I was given. My husband held the baby near my face whilst they stitched me up, we had music playing throughout and then they put baby on me when they wheeled me through to the ward. Someone observed me for 1 hour after the operation and checked mine and babies stats and a midwife dressed baby for us. Baby was taken to the nursery to be weighed and all checks done, my mum went with them to do this as I could not move.