@Boryana hmm she didn’t mention a yolk sack only gestational sack
It may or not be there at this time. Give it a week. Most often you see it at 6w. With my daughter we didn’t see yolk sack till mid 6th week and no heartbeat till week 8 which is little abnormal but she’s a healthy 3yo :)
If you have a photo of the ultrasound I can tell you if it’s there btw. Sometimes doctors just forget to mention such information. It should look like a white ring.
Dang no I didn’t get any photos from it ): if they get uploaded to mychart I’ll share it. Thank you!
This happened to me, thought I was 7 weeks 3 days and was measuring 5 weeks 1 day. Went back in 2 weeks later and there was a heartbeat. It’s possible your timing is off or you ovulated late!
Nothing to worry about at all, it’s generally too early to see a heartbeat. I went to the early pregnancy unit for a scan at 5w3d and they could see a pregnancy sac, yolk sac and what was the start of the fetal pole. Went for an early reassurance scan at 6w6d and saw baby and heartbeat.
If you’re truly 5w3d you will see a gestational sack and a yolk sack. At 6w you can see a baby with sometimes a heartbeat. If you’re 5w no wonder there was no heartbeat. When I went at 5w3d my sack measured 6w1d. At 6w3d we saw a baby and a heartbeat but the baby measured 6w3d on point. Give it a week and let’s see how things go. Maybe you ovulated later.