What is their routine after nursery? Spending some time on fresh air, running around helps to release all that bottled up emotion and process their day.
Thanks guys, dad has tried the walk after nursery but she still screams for me at home regardless @Edina. Will give the photo a try thanks @Charlotte I am really hoping this is just a phase!
Also tried the videocall, which I thought was a great idea but she’s hysterical when she seems me and just wants me there x
My husband works antisocial hours and whilst my daughter is (for now) more attached to me, she sometimes asks for him and won’t take reasons I give her and gets upset. Can you do a brief video call at set times so you can say good morning or good night? We got a Yoto player for her second birthday and we did a couple of make your own cards with Dad reading bedtime stories which we can put on. Otherwise what about a getting ready for nursery / getting ready for bed wall chart or book - and get photos of you getting her ready that she can refer back to (getting dressed, brushing teeth, in PJs etc) - then maybe she can feel like you are still part of the process on days when you can’t be there physically xx