Bed between 7 &9pm First nap 10.30 or 11am depending what time she has woken up Second nap if she has one usually 2 or 3pm If she doesn’t have a second nap it’s bath and bed at 7 but even if she does I still like to take her to bed and settle her from 7pm also her naps are no longer than 20 mins each nap
Bed between 6.30-7.30 and wakes 7.30-8 generally sleeps through unless she’s ill or cannot find her dummy. She will then have a nap from 10-1 but that’s her only nap in the day unless she falls asleep on the school run. Daytime naps can vary though and sometimes she’s only sleep on car rides to baby classes.
My 11 month old is the same atm, a complete nightmare. He's up usually 7-8am, naps, usually nicely, around 10/11am for 2-3hrs then a bit hit and miss if he has a second nap (often cos we're out and about tbf, not cos he doesn't want one) all this week he's been refusing to settle, thrashing about in bed rather than feeding, screaming when I try to leave him for a break, waking 2-4 times a night and screaming whenever I leave him then too. I'm a single mum with 2 other small kiddos, it's exhausting and I'm so over it! Good luck, can only pray it gets better xxx
Wakes 7/7.30am Nap 9-9.30am Lunch 11/11.30am Nap 12-2.30/3pm Bed 6/6.30pm No night wake ups
- Bed between 7 & 8pm. Used to wake 1-2 times a night but has slept through the last 4 weeks bar the odd night with a wake. - She wakes between 6 & 7 - First nap around 9:30ish, usually for an hour (I always feel this is early for a first nap, but it works for us…. It may be difficult when we look to drop to one nap though 🤷♀️) - Second nap around 2pm, again usually for an hour Sometimes this can all push a little bit, but it’s there or there abouts! She used to be terrible waking multiple times a night but we’ve fully took her lead on it and follow her cues. No sleep training, she’s adjusted on her own. (Nothing against sleep training if it works for others, I just couldn’t do it myself!)