Could be low. Probably not a chemical pregnancy because they would have said so (I had this the cycle before I got pregnant last year. Positive home test but lab work showed no pregnancy)
They just want to make sure it’s doubling. Mine was 77 hcg at 4 weeks, had a cramping and a gush of blood. Confirmed chemical miscarriage and hcg dropped from there. Both blood and urine had showed I was pregnant. My cervix was closed too.
@Alana i dont even know the level but she said its low and that she wants ro Monitor it again. I was under 5 weeks when i got tested anyway. So i assume its that?
@Miriam i had a chemical last time too and my levels went to zero after the third day i was bleeding.
@Carly what happens if it doesnt double but still hcg hormones present? Would i need to abort or something?
Mine took 3 weeks to go away
As long as they’re increasing you would be ok. If they’re decreasing they’ll have to figure out what’s going on and go from there.
If you have an online medical chart it’ll be on there what your level is. I would say it’s 5 or more. If it’s less than you have to be at 5 to be considered pregnant.
Yes anything above 5 means you’re pregnant. But maybe they aren’t doubling as they should. They say a viable pregnancy doubles roughly every 48 hours (though I’ve seen successful pregnancies with slightly slower rates). So if you’ve done multiple tests, it could be that they aren’t seeing the progression that they would like. My tests were always low 35 day before period 13dpo, 74 15dpo and 155 at 17dpo. I was worried they were low but the clinic was happy that they were doubling. That little baby is now 6m and 22lbs 🫠