Am I terrible?
Ever since I got pregnant I’ve been kinda of unhappy about it. I want to be happy so bad but my fiance and I are really struggling living pay check to pay check with my mom. My mom constantly calls us stupid or idiots and she thinks it’s funny but it’s just a lot and she constantly nags about how “ dirty” we are when she cleans like once a month. But anyway. I’ve been feeling like this whole thing has been a mistake and that brings so much guilt onto me I feel like the world’s worst person saying that. I just feel like everything crumbling underneath me. I thought maybe if it was a girl it would help me be less sad because I have a boy already he 11 months and I just wanted two kids and to be done because pregnancy for me was the worst. I found out today it’s a boy and I’m so disappointed and upset I can’t stop crying. I already felt like i messed up by bringing a baby into this house when we aren’t even stable but now it’s a boy and yes financially it’s a good thing but I’m so sad. I just wanted a girl and a boy and to be done. Now I have to be pregnant again in my life later because I do really want a baby girl but am I a terrible person for
Feeling like I mad a huge mistake….
Hi lovely. I don’t think any part of you being unhappy about it is terrible. Being pregnant is a huge life change. It’s not something that everyone can fit into their life straight away, it takes adjusting. It takes time to think about literally everything before you even know if you are happy or sad, or cross sometimes even. But I will tell you right now my lovely. Ignore your mother, not every single parent knows what they are going on about. They see what they want to see through their eyes. They don’t live your life. So she can be quiet for one. Two. It’s not bad to feel stressed because financially babies are expensive. I have 2 younger ones with me who have a 2 year age gap, and both still in nappies and yes it’s expensive and we’ve moved so much but we got by. Honestly I think when you do meet him and you see your little boy meet him you’ll feel the love that you are struggling with at the moment, and if you do need the extra support afterwards there’s always postnatal