Advice needed 😭😭😭😭

I’ve just got home after 8 hours in triage following high blood pressure and a growth scan. I’m due 3rd March and baby is measuring in the 92nd percentile with an enlarged tummy 😣 they’ve given me 3 options - do nothing and risk baby getting too big, be induced which may not work or schedule a c section. I am devastated as I’d planned to go to the birthing centre and this is my first baby. Any advice? Anyone been through the same? What did you go for? I’m leaning towards c section and need to let them know tomorrow
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The growth scans aren't always accurate, my friend was measuring 6lb 12 and the next day her baby was born at 6lb. Do some research on the accuracy of the scans and use that to inform your decision 💜

My daughter was measuring at 9lb and came out at 7lb 5oz x What does your gut tell you to do ? 🙂

Did you get a sweep? Are you dilated at all? Why r u saying being induced might not work? I did the Cervidil at first and it did help me dilate a little bit more but not enough. Then they proceed to induce me with oxytocin and that my friend, worked out like wonders! My friend got induced for both pregnancies. I’d say go for it! Trust me, c sections are not the easy way out. It’s a hard recovery. Always aim to do it vaginally if you and baby are not at risk

Thanks for responding ladies. I’m just really worried about his tummy and why that would be enlarged and the doc was talking about risk of his shoulders getting stuck and a horrendous tear for me if delivered vaginally. The doc was also saying about induction that if I have a day booked for induction it could still be another 5 days before he actually arrives which isn’t a nice experience being in hospital all that time and with his predicted large size could end up with a difficult delivery (forceps etc.) or emergency c section anyway. I am at a loss and so scared 😣

Have you been tested for gestational diabetes? Personally I’d probs try induction first and section of no progress

I'd try for a section. Much calmer experience and it would be so stressful to start in natural and it end in section anyway.

My baby also measured around 90th percentile towards the end of pregnancy and was born at 55th percentile! High measurement was also because of her big belly. Decided to go vaginally and let labour come naturally and very happy we did! All went well, did end up having an episiotomy but really wasn’t too bad. She still has a beautiful big belly 🥰😅

Enlarged tummy usually indicates gestational diabetes but also, they can never be 100% sure with the growth scans.

If there is a chance of a c section do it a plan c section is alot better then a emergency one better recovery

I was never tested for GD and they’ve said it’s too late now to test. Never had any risk factors for it but feel horrendous if I do have it as this whole pregnancy I’ve just eaten what I’ve wanted 😣 I’ve decided to opt for an induction just to see if my body can birth the big boy vaginally and then if induction doesn’t work I’ll be booked for a c section. Hopefully everything works out 🙏🏼

I had a c section 11 days ago and cannot tell you how much of an amazing experience it was. My experience will differ to others of course, but it was honestly a dream come true and I would 1000% have another. Recovery for me was super straight forwards and I’ve been fine since, taking it easier and keeping on top of meds (I just had paracetamol and ibuprofen and was fine, I declined the morphine) and I’m feeling on top of the world! Whatever you choose good luck 🤍

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