Potty Training
Has anyone started potty training? My LO is starting to show signs of readiness. It's inconsistent, but she'll sometimes tell me when she pooped, ask for diaper changes, and sometimes even ask to sit on the potty. Most of the time, she doesn't actually go, but there's been a handful of times that she's pooped in the potty.
I'm considering starting potty training soon, but I'm worried she's too young! And she's so short (shes like third pecentile for height) that she'd struggle to independently climb on the potty (we have a toddler seat insert) even with a stool. And we don't have the money for a toddler sized potty. Would you just wait to potty train until shes a little bigger, or help her climb up the potty each time?
My other concern is clothing! Most of her shirts are onesies and that would be so impractical for potty training, but I can't afford a whole new wardrobe for her