Or the tummy time on a blanket and they drag the blanket around. I haven’t done that either but seen it https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCr_So3yfSF/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
I need help too haha my daughter is getting so bored of everything. Today I was looking through her toys and realized she had one of those stuffed animals that dances and sings. That entertained her for a good bit actually. It won’t last long tho😭
My baby loves to grasp things but be in a semi sitting position. So I’ll hold crinkly toys and grasping toys in front of him to grab and play with. He can do that for at least 30 minutes and loves it. I also lay him on the ground and hover over him 😅 He loves to play with my face and explore. And he loves to stare at mirrors! Occasionally he’ll listen to a Ms, Rachel baby episode too.
My baby girl loves to bounce and kick her feet also. She is 4M & loves the water pad. I also have a multi use walker that is used for tummy time but also has a piano at the feet for kicking. She loves it, the sound makes her kick crazier and crazier loll. Texture exploration is another I like to do, especially the crinkle soft toys.
My boy just turned 4 months and I joined a baby group where they sing and play, I get to meet other moms and my son will learn social skill early on and make new friends.
What about kicking wax paper or something that crinkles, tying balloons to arms and feet or just feet while laying in his back and kicking? I saw those ideas on Instagram reels. Have t tried yet. I tried to get her to kick those piano keys from the play gym but we aren’t there yet. I just let mine recline in the boppy and play with her bunny lovey that rattles and ears crinkle, she loves her teething sticks and this open circle rattle that she can practice grasping and bringing to her mouth. Love the workout and chore thing. I put mine in tummy time on two pillows while I fold laundry and sing to her. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCcgqiDy1-i/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==