I’d be pissed too 🤨 what’s so hard about coming back home and helping your SO? Not a damn thing should be more important than helping put the kids down and getting them fed especially not around 9pm when you specifically asked for help this time and communicated what you needed
@Espy he came home and got mad at me for being upset that he didn’t stick to his word, so there’s that 🙃
You both agreed on something and he didn’t stick to it and then treated you like shit for pulling him up on it. You are not overreacting.
I’m learning .. kill them with kindness. But super sweet and empathetic with him. Maybe there is something more going on here ? Just ask him why he is staying out late? I don’t think it’s ok or fair but I do think a good talk would help
That’s gross 🤨 I hate when men are like that like dude grow up cause I didn’t make this family by myself
He’s literally only had a night out every 2 weeks. I would have stayed out later if you were blowing my phone up.
I get it’s less about him being gone and more about him not communicating that you. And seemingly not caring.
His reaction wasn’t mature at all, almost akin to gaslighting. The last thing I want to do is create stress and I don’t know your relationship obviously but if I was in this situation, I’d honestly start to wonder if he was cheating on me. You need to have a serious conversation because he’s not being a partner.
If he wanted to have beers with his coworkers, then he should have not got with you. It takes a whole team to raise children. This guy
Let him do bedtime alone while you go out and see how he feels about it
@SquishyMommy1 I don't think it's about him going out she is mad about. It's about him not coming home when he promised he would.
I clicked the wrong one. I meant the first one! That guy needs to grow up. I’ve just had a similar situation with my husband. I’m now at my parents with a one year old and a 3 week old for some space and he really sees he’s done no wrong.
I hate that they give the they need a break too. I’m literally living off 2 hours broken sleep each night still recovering from a c section but you need a break the guy who’s still been getting a full sleep every night even when you were off work for 2 weeks.
@SquishyMommy1 daum, you must be super mom then to be talking like that
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I’d be livid. I’d lock him out and tell him to go f himself tbh
I’d be annoyed….But I’m big on fair. As in, he can stay home this Friday or Saturday night (whichever night is better/he’s not working/he’s not too tired) and he can stay home and do bedtime for 3 kids while I go out. You wanna go? Sure go. This week is my week. I’ll guarantee you he’ll call my sister over for help 😂💁🏻♀️ I do think both parents should still get to see friends and still have their outside hobbies, but be fair about it. Why does it need to be 7hrs? 2pm-9pm?! 😳 3-4 hrs out is plenty. Even 5hrs, he would’ve made it on time for bedtime. Sure these days I do go out from 7-12/1 but he sleeps through, hubby is not at home “struggling”, baby boys been asleep since 9 (and is easy to put to sleep) which is only 2hrs after I left. And still asleep until morning- me going out does not leave my hubby struggling. Fair is fair. He won’t ever know what it’s like to put 3 kids to sleep until he’s in that shoe. Put the shoe back on him and he might actually be home next time for bedtime
@SquishyMommy1 I never “blew up his phone” I texted him once asking if he’d be home soon because he told me he’d be home for bedtime and he replied very rude. I literally did not care that he went out, it’s the fact he said he’d be home to help me with bedtime as I’m sure 5 hours getting “a beer” is enough. I never texted him again as I was busy getting kids to bed. I see you have all older children. Mine are 4 months-4 years and require a lot of attention at bedtime. You sure know how to lift up a sleep deprived burnt out mom that’s trying to be a good wife but feeling taken advantage of.
@Kellie that’s what’s adds to my frustration a little is I literally cannot do that haha I have a 4 month old that’s nursing and still up every few hours and a 2 year old that literally won’t sleep unless I do her bed time and she still wakes constantly. So I’m burnt out. I’m trying to be a good wife still and want him to be able to go grab a beer with a friend, but for that many hours and not holding up to his word and knowingly making my life harder without caring really hurts! And then to get mad at me when I picked up all the slack so he could go makes me so frustrated.
@Siobhan I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It can feel so frustrating when everything is just expected of us. I get so burnt out running on absolutely nothing because i get no sleep, never get to shower or have a moment some, but I’m expected to just continue pouring from an empty cup. I hope you get some rest and help from your parents ❤️
@Kris exactly. I genuinely do not care that he went out, but we discussed beforehand how it was going to go and he didn’t follow through with what he said to me. I feel like he just disrespected me and doesn’t care that my night was more difficult.
Cheating ??!
I’m actually baffled by the comments. I wouldn’t be happy with my husband going out twice a week. I wouldn’t necessarily blow his phone up I’d just be gone. If you want the single life we can do that..
@Siobhan I wouldn’t be either! Seems excessive!! Especially with little ones at home. Maybe when they’re older? I took this post as a response to mine and maybe they misspoke on twice a week because I had said 2 times in the last two weeks.. but I could just be sensitive rn because my husband is currently mad at me 🥲🥲
@Storm ok. So like I 100000% trust my husband and honestly would never jump to this BUT last night when he came home, I explained why I was upset like that he said he’d be home to help and wasnt.. and he went off on me saying I was treating him like he was out cheating..? Like what?? Sir.. that’s bs! Like no that never crossed my mind until YOU said it bud.
Exactly he snitched on himself sis get a babysitter and follow that man
Seems a bit coincidental… yeh exactly when they are a bit more independent it wouldn’t be so bad but when you have three this young it’s not fair at all. Maybe you should go out and no get home till after bedtime and maybe he will appreciate it a bit more
@Siobhan I felt like it was too coincidental to not be a spin on my post. It’s just a bit gross to me to make a post like that with false info trying to make a burnt out mom seem like the bad guy. Just makes me feel like crap seeing when I’m already struggling and dealing with a lot.
Yeh exactly unfortunately I have found a lot of that with this group people don’t really support each other very much. Theres having an opinion then theres going out of your way to put down someone.
Also I’ve had no breaks because my 2 year old hasn’t been napping, and then my 2 year old and 4 month old have been up all night every night so I haven’t been getting any sleep or time to even chill after bedtime.