I don't believe in the whole 'boy thing' I have 2 boys and my first smashed everything. He was walking and talking before my niece and friends girl who were born not long after him. My second doesn't say as much as my first did at this age, but he's very much the quiet calculated type. He can say so many things and can put 2 words together, but just likes to be quiet. I don't think you should be worried at all. It'll come :) every child is different. But I'm just here to say that the boy thing isn't a 'thing'
I think first and second can be very different too, my friend second was much later, but his nonverbal communication was amazing. He knew it all, just didn’t need words to express it. Often because his older sister was talking for him!
Mines the same! He doesn't stop all day but it's not words it's just babble. He knows exactly what he wants or does what we ask him to do but just doesn't have the words yet. I had a call with HV yesterday as we've moved areas and she said to not worry it will come eventually. Usually around 2-2 1/2