Sending you love and it’s not your fault or anything you did wrong girl! Maybe take a break it could be a not right now it may not mean you’re dry forever. Things that helped me, power pumping (power hour), lots of electrolytes, eating good meals and 3x a day, hydrate, keep trying baby latching, if you’ve pumped a while maybe replace your pump parts sometimes that affects how much you’re getting out along with flange size! Sorry if this is stuff you already know and tried. Just don’t be hard on yourself you did amazing you ARE amazing and again, it’s not your fault ❤️ here for support always
You do an amazing job girl!! Your baby is very greatful for the time you breastfeeding and is very greatful for the formula too. He loves you! And if he talk tell you what incredible mom you are 💖
Idk if you’re willing to try and get it back but you can power pump for a week. Milk is all about supply and demand, it will only make how much your baby is drinking. My milk went down around 3 months and I power pumped and it came back. But they’re other factors to why milk isn’t producing if you’ve tried power pumping. But usually it works.
Hey momma, I went through that with my first baby and it was the start of my deep depression. Just know you did a good job for however long you been doing it. I’ve been struggling with my milk supply this baby but a lactations told me even if dried up or low just pumping or putting baby on breast 10-15 every 2 hours will help get back up. Coming from a momma that went into deep depression, (sorry to say) pls don’t be too sad about it, your body did a good job