@ALI I used to be like this, but I am way beyond it at this point
Not a good idea it does come back to you at some point twice as hard. Just move on and enjoy your new chapter away from the toxicity you came from!
Just remember hun wat goes around comes around karma is a b
You ruin them by living your best life without them. Have that glow up! Find your joy! Have so much joy you forget about the toxic bs! Life is to short to dwell on unproductive revenge
Reel it back in. Find your center and remember your why. Life is much easier when you live for that and your peace. Too much energy into things that literally don’t matter.
Wow. No. Why are you tryna get people to come up with ways to manipulate people’s relationships?
If it’s someone who has wronged you, I truly believe you find peace through vengeance, but you need to reframe your thinking surrounding what that means first. Live your absolutely best life. Keep moving forward. Growing. Improving. Just being happy. That stuff stings when you’re a miserable human who was left behind.
You reap what you sew baby and believe me when I say this I used to be that person. I was so grimy cut throat didn't care about nobody but myself and I will do anything to get what I wanted and I would ruin peoples lives. Just because I was envious or jealous or straight out, didn't like them but Baby, always circles the block and now that I'm older I have been through hell and back and I am finally in a place where I can tell you that I'm still going through it but I'm OK I'm maintaining. I have a beautiful life and family, but put good karma out there. Don't put bad karma out there cause the only thing is gonna cause your life is to be problem after problem. You're gonna try to get ahead and you're gonna have to take 10 steps back and it's gonna be very, very hard if you do some shit like that and if we're all telling you the same thing, you might want to take the advice and if you don't, you'll have to learn the hard way
Thank you to everyone who has given me the advice that I NEEDED to hear. Even if it’s not what I WANTED to hear lol. You are all real ones.❤️ except for Emily. Sorry Emily, but you were the only one that was kind of bitchy.
I think I’m just at my limit and I’m in a really strong mood right now. Maybe I should just vent and let it go. Because in reality causing harm to the other person would be funny for five seconds but then where is that gonna get me? Back to square one and potentially in trouble. Lol
Sidenote: I’m also bipolar AF and am in the middle of switching medications….. probably has a lot to do with this feeling. Not an excuse just a realization that I forgot about. 🙄
OP you forgetting about your meds is so real and funny lmao. Glad we were able to provide a different perspective 🤍 hope u feel better and heal properly soon.
My mom has always said- "happiness and success is the best revenge" Live your best life❤️
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Trusted by 5M+ women
She asked a question. Calling her “b *itchy” wasn’t really nice. I’m gonna say maybe that’s the whole medication thing but really I would challenge you to take a step back sometimes before responding and change the lens through which you view things. Not everyone is against you. I hope you’re able to move forward in peace. Really. 😁
Naw boo, this ain’t it. Not worth it. I’ll supporting venting but not this.