Weaning off bottle at night
My little boy has never slept through the night and I have fallen into a routine of re-settling him with milk. With a small amount of milk he will go back off to sleep within minutes BUT he is waking sooo many times a night asking for it.
I have tried diluting with water, only offering water - doesn’t work.
So I’ve decided to go cold turkey. Tonight is night 1 and it has been really awful. He has been awake for 4 hours now, he’s still crying for milk. I have offered him water, as soon as he realises it’s water he becomes more frustrated! So I know he’s not thirsty as he doesn’t want it.
He isn’t a great eater and I am hoping that reducing night milk will mean he eats more in the day - I am going to also try and get him to have a snack before bed etc.
Anyway- is anyone going through the same or have any experiences of bottle weaning they can share? Positive Or negative. How long did it take? How does baby sleep now? (Baby- I know they are 2 now but will always refer to him as my baby 🫣)
Thanks xx
Update - he did eventually go off to sleep after 4.5 hours! And slept 5.30am-8am which I will take as a small win!😂 I am tired!!