How long is your baby’s wake window? Mine is only awake 2 hours max at a time? He’s feeding every 2 hours or so during the day but no feeds at night so I don’t mind as much.
Pretty much every 2 hours around the clock. My baby doesn’t really show signs of being hungry that often but she’s up every 2 hours in the night so I make sure to offer frequently through the day
My BF baby is very particular about his feeds. He becomes seriously offended if I offer boob outside of his routine. He normally feeds 7/8 times in 24 hours. He feeds after waking from his sleeps (after waking for the day and after his 4-ish naps), before nighttime bedtime and once or twice during the night. In comparison, my first would never say no to the boob, fed more often and woke a lot more during the night. It's interesting how different every baby is. As long as it's working for your baby, you and your family I suggest you keep on doing what you're doing 😊
Hi! Bf mom here as well. Bf is on demand 😐 so pretty much whenever baby wants. It’s really challenging and sometimes I really want to quit. Hang on there you can do it. ❤️❤️❤️ how old is baby? Maybe baby is going through a grow spurt. No worries about over feeding as you will never do with breast milk.