@Katie I'm thinking maybe she is training her bladder to hold her wee (which is good to some extent) but it's not natural to hold it in for so long. Yes I am thinking of giving up too but will wait until after the weekend to see how she is. Good luck!
That's exactly what I thought but the fact she still doesn't tell me before she wees makes me think she isn't ready yet. Good luck too! They keep us on our toes ay xx
Listen to Nurse Rebecca Mottram littlebunnybear.com podcast I'm sure she covers this on one of the episodes. They are only a few minutes long so quite manageable!
@Katie mine doesn't tell me aswel. She puts her hand there though but it's always too late
@Sarah thanks will do!
We’re on day two and exactly the same. She went for a poo on toilet this morning but every wee today has been in her pants, nothing when sitting in the potty. She’s even telling me she doesn’t need it then wetting through on the floor a minute later. Today she had 5 hours without going. Not sure if this is how it goes or if I need to get her back into nappies for a while. Advice from her nursery was to put her on the potty every 15 mins but it’s been such a slog to do that for 12 hours if awake time 😩
@Shenel yes I've been doing every 15 minutes but she's the same, just does it in her pants. She totally refused to take her nappy off this morning and was getting really upset. So I've resorted back to nappies 🥲 I think I've scared her
I have no advice but today is day 5 for us and exactly the same. She'll sit on the potty when prompted but doesn't do anything then wees in her knickers but she's only going like once a day. Not sure whether to give up or persevere :/