Our LB had suspected asthma, his symptoms being a cough and heavy breathing/laboured. He went to A&E a couple of times because of it. He was fine on his inhaler trial and it helped massively. He is now due to go back to see the doctor in a couple of weeks after the 8 week period off it, but he will definitely need another one as he has gotten chesty again. It is 100% worth doing the trial bless em. They don't mind too much and get used to it, it take all of a few seconds. If you need any tips, or advice, feel free to pop me a message 😊
Sorry to jump on your post but I was wondering what type of cough your lo has had? Also if you don’t mind me Asking please, how long have they had the cough? Me and hubby have concerns about asthma in last couple of months with our lo. Both my boys have eczema and eldest has allergies and recently my gut is telling me lo is starting with asthma which can be typical when they have eczema 😢 I hope the inhaler helps when you try it for your lo xx
My little one has had an inhaler since 4 months and he’s all good with it ♥️ he had bronchiolitis when really little and they said boys are often born with airways they need to grow into, we don’t use it every day but do when he’s got a cold or seems wheezy. He gets a lot of coughs etc so it really helps then!
@Laura my LO also has eczema which is hard enough to deal with at times 😢 It's mostly a chesty cough and his breathing is always quite rattly - he's a very active boy, but running about currently doesn't seem to make it worse (still persistent though), but it's definitely more aggravating for him at night lying down. He's also always been quite a chesty baby - He thankfully never had any major illnesses so they didn't want to do anything before 1. This particular cough has lasted roughly since Christmas when he had a cold. I think because of his eczema, they were quite quick to assume the cough is linked to asthma x
As an adult asthmatic, my only symptoms are a persistent cough! No advice about bubba however, hope things get better for him x