Home birth room set up

Will you share home birth room set ups for inspo? And who did you have in the room with you? I go back and forth in how many people I want around me.
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I have a rough idea for what I want. No plastic but I have a linen shower curtains and a mattress bamboo liner for the birthing time. Was going to keep minimalist

Hi @Marilyn ! I a birth pool at my home birth, so that took up most of the place. I had no lights on, only fairy lights and tea lights scattered around. I love plants, so kept my plants and trees. I had my doula, midwives and my mum with me in the room. You are going to feel quite on show, so whoever is there make sure you are happy for them to see you at your most vulnerable. Some people ask for no screens (no laptops) in the room, I personally didn't care, and preferred that to the midwives coming in and out a lot. Hope this helps and good luck. It's a beautiful experience

I had basically no body, so I wouldn't be distracted or worrying about them so I could really get into laborland. I had my aunt, who is a homebirth Doula now, professionally because she loved the things she learned and experienced assisting me in birth and I knew she would be the perfect person to be my advocate, keep a calm head, and still be that comforting hand for me, my husband, and our midwife who was basically just there to watch me and my husband deliver our baby to make sure the baby and I were doing okay (I was an HBAC other wise I would have felt comfortable just having my aunt as a birth keeper, I am a 'crazy' freebirth lady if it wasn't for that 🤣) It's just so important to not distract yourself with people and it's very common for people coming in and out and trying to 'help' to stall labor ❤️

Thanks so much for sharing ladies. I’m getting a bit scared for labor. Not really sure why. I’m excited to meet my little one. Also very unsure what to expect

@Marilyn i love listening to funny podcasts in early labour, too. Get that oxytocin flowing 🥰 drink positive birth stories in the last few weeks like they’re water and don’t focus on the unknowns. The known is you’ll hold your baby really soon! :)

Thank you so much for this. Will defo be soaking in the positive stories

@Kat thank you so much for this message! Very beautiful photo that moment says it all and is incredibly empowering xo

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