You can try to change him but he would have to put in a lot of work. Him saying he is going to change is different from actually changing. I am sorry he doesn't appreciate you and doesn't support you. I highly recommend reading fair play by Eve Rodsky
@Karen I’m trying to be patient maybe it’s just a phase of him figuring out life now with the mo lily being a issue but he never did anything before. I didn’t even get a Valentine’s Day really. Nothing special etc so it hurts.
But even so it is important to have fair responsibilities. Having you do all the cooking, cleaning and taking a care of a child and an adult male doesn't make sense to me. I have never run a bath for my partner. He has run a bath for me when i was in labour. It makes sense when someone is struggling to support them but even historically before he was incapacitated to have to take care of him. You are a very good person, don't let him take advantage of you ❤️
It sounds to me like you’re both mentally going through a lot. Clearly having two strokes and mobility issues are going to cause a massive rift in the relationship because you’re both now having to manage that on top of having a child which always affects relationships. I think perhaps you should make time to sit down and both talk about what’s actually going on. Men don’t generally talk about their feelings and I’d imagine there is probably a lot of depression in him as well given the fact he has lost a lot of things he now can’t do. I’m not sticking up for him but simply saying it sounds like you’re both going through a shit time for your own reasons and you can either part ways never resolving it or try to both sit down and find ways to resolve it
Came to say what Kathryn said above, it sounds like there may be some mental health struggles going on for him that could be contributing to your relationship rift. I’d at least try to talk it out with him first, see if he’s willing to listen to your point of view and willing to help out more where he can (which may give him a sense of purpose he’s missing too) and go from there. If he’s not willing to do that or you’re fairly certain this is just who he is and that’s unlikely to change then you’re probably best parting ways x
@Kathryn I’ve tried to talk. The thing is the same conversation has been had before this and nothing has happened. So honestly I feel it’s due to being lazy but that’s just my thought. I am trying to understand it’s not the same thing but when I was pregnant I struggled so much mentally, physically, and emotionally so I’m trying to get that from him but it’s just hard.
@Jess I’ve talked to I’m blue in the face for a while even before the strokes. I’ve given him ways to be comfortable while trying to help just anything and I feel I’m not being unreasonable. I went to sleep last night and he took care of our daughter alone for a few hours so I know is capable just doesn’t do a lot because I’ve always done things.
If you are interested in methods to start conversations about fairly balancing work i do think the fair play book is a good start
@Karen I’m not saying I won’t try but I feel it’s too late
Honestly, do yourself a favour and leave. If you have been banging the same old drum, it won't get better. Look up sunk cost fallacy in relationships. It's not easy to leave, but think what you are missing out on, a happy life with a supportive partner who enhances your whole life instead of dragging you down.