How old is he? My little girl struggled with not passing poo when she was 1-2 weeks old, but they’ve become more regular now and she’s going at least once a day. I’ve also started adding Dentinox to her bottles too as she gets quite gassy during feeds and this has helped massively x
@Kayleigh hey what formula did you change to?
Same situation. Didn't think about changing it, which one did you change it to @Kayleigh ?
My son was the same for the first two weeks on cow and gate but now his fine and goes daily
@Sultana I changed to Kendamil but that was in 2023, this time round I’m using SMA and I’ve not had any problems. A lot of people are going for Hipp organic rather than Kendamil as they’ve changed their manufacturing and apparently a lot of babies are having problems with gas etc on it but every baby reacts to certain formulas differently!xx
@Kayleigh oh no I’ve just bought Kendamil and she’s had two bottles already but seems more gassy with it. Not sure if I should continue with few more bottles and see. How long do you normally try a new formula?
@Sultana my midwife in 2023 said it can take two weeks for a formula to settle with babies but trust your gut with it. Try a few more bottles - if you think she’s worse then try another brand. Some people go through a lot of formulas before they find one that suits baby xx
I had this with my first who was on cow and gate so it could be. I changed his formula when he was 4 weeks and he was a lot more comfortable pooing/passing wind xx