13w Preeclam Scan- high risk

Ugh so I just had the preeclampsia ultrasound scan (where they measure blood flow into to uterus) and I’m, of course, at risk of getting it again. Had high risk at 34 weeks and c section at 35. Happened all very quickly and traumatically. Was hoping I’d be able to have a schedule c section this time around. Trying not to feel defeated or terrified. Luckily baby is looking normal. Now on double dose baby aspirin. Anyone able to manage a scheduled c section with preeclampsia? Or am I just in the whimps of this unpredictable condition?
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No advice, just wondering: are they making you go in weekly for ultrasounds? I had pre and post-e with my 1st and I’m considering having a 2nd but I’m terrified. Have you started to have high blood pressure already? How many weeks along are you?

@Danielle hey, I had bi weekly growth scans and was on baby aspirin from 6 weeks after having my first at 26 weeks and I’m now full term with no signs of pre eclampsia at all

@Danielle I’m only 13 weeks so haven’t seen high blood pressure yet or weekly scans. I was able to get an early scan at 8 weeks and then the nuchal/pre e, and presume I’ll get more regular scans/fetal heart monitoring then I would have others.

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