Worth saying my resting heart rate at my latest appointment was 75 and I thought this was bad as lots higher than pre pregnancy but she said typically for 6 months it would be about 90!
Okay wonderful! I was also doing box jumps but my trainer looked concerned lol so I stopped! You’re killing it!! 💪🏼xx
I think It’s more the risk of falling and injuring yourself (we have wooden boxes) than the jump itself! so if you’re not super confident in them or are doing them in a workout where your legs are fatigued I would give a miss! If it’s a very leggy workout I usually switch out for wall balls!
I was still running till about 26 weeks and still climbing mountains till about 30 weeks I'd say do what you feel is right but if you feel like it's a but much then don't stop, just adjust
@Emma yeah I’ve been good at listening to my body! They feel fine and so far I’m comfortable I just didn’t know if baby was shaking too much in there hahaha! I guess they’re fine aren’t they! That was my only worry!
@Sham that’s great! Thank you, I feel better about doing a bit more again, like running etc! Might give sprints a go next weekend again hahha! ☺️
I'm a pre and postnatal PT. If you workout regularly before pregnancy, then it's OK to continue. As others have said, certain movements would be more of a fall risk, so might be worth modifying. You have to be careful not to overheat, stay well hydrated and slowly move from floor to standing so as to avoid dizziness. Listen to your body and rest when you need to amd you should be good to carry on as long as you feel comfortable 👍good luck x
@Vicki Legg thank you Vicki!! 🤍
I’m 26 weeks and still doing burpees and box jumps. I use an ab mat so my bump doesn’t touch the floor/ could use sand bags or other to create a space for the bump (I’m talking chest to floor burpees). Box jumps I really focus on engaging pelvic floor in the land position so bit of a core workout. I do CrossFit and I don’t do kipping movements in the bar anymore (I feel too heavy) and have only just stopped doing kipping handstand pushups, again because I feel too heavy I’m not getting much out of it. Still handstand walking though ✌🏼. I’m not running or doing skipping anymore because it makes me want to pee. Will stop Olympic lifting once the bump makes me do bad form with the bar path which may be soon 😂