If you have the funds for it, absolutely! But it’s definitely not a must have. I have triplets, a 4 and 7 year old so not a lot of spare time, but we never saw the need for one, instead we bought enough bottles for about 12 hours worth of feeds and then just washed them all by hand first thing in the morning, and then before bed :)
I have 2 days worth of bottles and I run my dishwasher with bottles every day. It’s what works for me and my dishwasher has a sterilization option. Be mindful of the bottle washers that only hold 4 bottles. You will be hypothetically using it every 4 hours to keep up & those washing tablets aren’t cheap. At the end of the day it’s up to you but pick something that’s going to make your life easier
I'm hoping to get one because I am going to have 3 kids under barely 2 and I struggled enough keeping up with bottles when my toddler was a baby 😅🤦🏻♀️ curious if other twin moms found it worth getting.