@Chelsea 😢😢jezzz i hate that for you i absolutely hate having nightmares i woke up crying two days ago
Yes I’ve been having nightmares or just vivid weird dreams in general the last 2 weeks! Happened at the start of pregnancy too then died off for a while and has now picked back up again. With my first I had them the entire pregnant 😫
Mine also were the most intense in the first trimester, faded away in the second and seemed to have picked back up in the third. Still nothing like the first trimester (when they were every night and also had a clear theme of me trying to escape something dangerous) but they are definitely very vivid again. Hormones are wild!
I've also been having very weird vivid dreams. Not nightmares but they r so realistic and even weird. One dream I saw my sister give birth to triplets lol and she's not even pregnant
I have weird dreams and nightmares the entire pregnancy 😳