So we have a set of clothes only for nursery which I’m prepared might get ruined. However, recently they’ve done some painting outdoors and his overalls are ruined by the paint. The stains don’t even fade in the wash. We only have one warm and one thinner overall for him, and even second hand they’re not super cheap. Am I wrong to be annoyed by this?? We paint a lot at home with water based paints and they all come out in the wash. So what on earth are they using?!
Ask them what they are using? Nothing wrong with politely asking & explain why you are asking?
Have you tried napisan? FWIW I’d be very annoyed too!
No your not wrong....Wait till primary school when they get their pen licence, my eldest had marker stans alll the time!!! Nothing would help remove the stains grrr!!!
Ask them what they are using? Nothing wrong with politely asking & explain why you are asking?