long story short, my bf and i haven’t been getting on well at all recently, our daughter is 10 months old and our relationship was close to ending a few days as we just aren’t getting along.
Today, as i was getting ready to shower my bf kept saying he’s taking our daughter to see his mom and grandma (i am not okay with this as i don’t trust them at all around my daughter. we don’t get on and they do not like me at all and have made this very clear through how they treat me and what they say about me, so i just simply don’t want my baby around them without me there watching). I told him this was absolutely not happening as im not comfortable with my baby being around them and he kept saying she’s his daughter too, they will only be there for 30 minutes and he will take her if he wants. I got mad and after saying it for about 20 minutes, he said he was only joking and that i blow things way out of proportion, and said i was starting an argument for nothing again.
i feel as though he was doing it simply to get a rise out of me and make me feel awful and like im the bad guy for getting mad for no reason (I feel like he does this a lot).
AITA for getting mad about this?
Do you have a valid reason for not trusting them apart from not getting along and this isn’t a reason but a personal feeling, in which case as annoying as it might be for you your partner is not in the wrong for wanting to take his child to see family. What if the situation was reversed and he didn’t gel along with your mum and told you you’re not allowed to take her to see her? Doesn’t seem fair