I’ve packed mini cheddars, banana soreen bars & haribo. Then I’ve also got lucosade sport! X
I’ve packed lucozade sport, cereal bars and haribo
Random’s and squashies and choc digestives
Choc digestives were a favourite in my first labour. Along with Jaffa cakes & anything chocolate. I didn’t eat any of my protein or cereal bars 🤣
Protein bars, belvita soft bakes, shortbread, fizzy laces and fizzy belts and pot noodles. Ended up being in for 5 days and ate everything 🙈
Jelly babies are really good for energy when you don’t want to eat! X
Coconut water, biscuits, oat bars, dried mango, cashews and crisps xx
I was induced on Tuesday and when I was actually in labour I had sweets and non fizzy sugary drinks and sips of water. I ended up in theatre with an emergency forceps delivery so I couldn’t recommend having anything too heavy
I had mini cheddars, chocolate biscuits and haribo - little packets of stuff that my partner could feed to me