My 7m tried dairy for the first time yesterday, tiny amount, had no reaction. Gave her some more Greek yogurt again this morning and within 25 mins had a red rash on her cheeks and neck, no other symptoms. The rash went after 40 minutes. Not sure what you do once you’ve experienced a reaction, do I test it again tomorrow for the third day or leave it and seek medical advice?
Always check with your pediatrician. I didn’t give my son any diary until he closer to 1 year. He did have a slight reaction the first time to Greek yogurt. I kept giving him it on small amounts and now he’s fine.
Definitely a good idea to check with someone. My LO had a reaction too Greek yoghurt the first few times but just a rash on the face. We kept trying a little bit occasionally and now she eats it most days and there is no rash to be seen.
Always check with your pediatrician. I didn’t give my son any diary until he closer to 1 year. He did have a slight reaction the first time to Greek yogurt. I kept giving him it on small amounts and now he’s fine.