Advice on concerns..
Second time momma here.. I’ll be 32 weeks on Monday and I’ve been having contractions for the last couple days, severe lower back pain, and pressure that feels like everything would fall out. I actually had my grandmother look and she mentioned my anal had looked prolapsed. Last night my husband took me to L&D and after not listening to any concerns they discharged me with a back sprain and told me I was not contracting at all (clearly I was in terrible pain and my stomach was hard as a rock) and that I should take Tylenol and use heat/ice and maybe see a chiropractor and get a massage. They did cervix exam and said I was closed and far back still, and that I probably just have a hemmroid or skin tag on my rectum (definitely not a skin tag or hemmroid, there was no pain in this area just a lot of pressure that felt like everything was falling out, and I pass bowel movements just fine). As I left I could barely walk and was in tears because of the contractions and back pain. When we arrived home, I began to feel cramping and groin pain that shot down the front of my right leg. I continued to feel the same all night and woke up this morning in a puddle of fluid in my bed and underwear, unsure if this was sweat or amniotic fluid. I am still feeling contractions and back pain and also lost a dime size of mucus/discharge when using the bathroom while wiping. I’ve never felt this before, but now I’m unsure what to do because they made me feel like my concerns did not matter and that nothing was wrong. What should or can I do?
Go to L&D where you're supposed to deliver. Tell them you're afraid your water broke and see what they say to do. Does your OB office have an after hours nurse line or something to call? Can you try a different ER? Some have emergency L&D depts in addition to the general ER. I'm so sorry you're being dismissed.