There's a serious hormone change when you stop breastfeeding or if you decrease feeds very quickly. It sounds like you are sick too, but if you are interested in keeping the bedtime and naptime feeds, I would encourage you to still let your little one nurse, even if your supply has dropped some, the nursing can bring it back up. Also, I know you feel terrible, but not being hydrated enough can decrease supply too, so make sure you are getting fluids in, even if some of them come up! One more thing, as it's not clear from your post - could you have mastitis? Did you pump when your little was gone overnight?
Hi, I’m clueless at this point. As I’ve been feeling nauseous and have no appetite. No, have no mastitis. A couple of weeks ago, I’d actually feel my boobs being full. And suddenly, this week, has been basically gone. Doesn’t seem like anything is in there anymore, but I did try to feed him.
No, I didn’t pump, unfortunately
It can be stress. You could also be dehydrated or getting babies nug. My supply dropped not long back when I had the flu and it was awful for a week or so but it came back. I got stressed earlier and produced half the milk at one feed too so I had to dip into the stash