New to the group (Birth Story)

* Name: Alexandra (I call her angel face) * Pain relief: Spinal Tap * Induced or spontaneous: emergency c-section for pre-eclampsia * Episiotomy: No * C-section or Vaginal: c-section * Sex known: Yes, we had to do a blood draw twice. We wanted a boy and during the c section our dr. mistakenly said “he” and we both freaked out. 😅 * Labor length: 0 * Due date/birth date: January 6th / November 10th * Morning sickness/cravings: Only at the beginning of the 2nd trimester/ anything salty, fruits and veggies and strawberry milk until the 3rd trimester. * Hospital stay: 10 days, 5 days to birth and 5 after birth. * Weight/Length: 3 lbs 4 oz / 16 inches * Time: 10:38 am * Age now: 3 months and wearing newborn
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She is so adorable!! 🩵

I was also 2 months early and 3.5 lbs :)

She's a sweetheart!

She is so cute!! Is that a hemangioma? My little one has one too, on the back of her head though 😊

Awww welcome to the app !

So cute!

@Natalia thank you and yes! It seems to have stopped growing as fast now but the first couple of months it grew quickly!

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