Im 35 weeks tomorrow, ive only washed vests, sleepsuits, bibs blankets and I’ve not done the clothes as I don’t no what size he will be and thinking they are new anyway , so don’t stress yourself out, I’m hoping they give me a sweep to let little one come earlier too as I’ve been in and out of hospital with growth scans etc so hoping they agree to it, I still have 2 weeks left at work and really struggling now xx
I'm pretty sure I started my washing at 36 weeks! I've done most of it now but still have got more to do and now 38 weeks. Don't put too much pressure on yourself as long as you've got some bits washed to go in the hopsital bag and a few bits washed for when they come home you'll be alright!
@Jessica due date twins! I’m really struggling too and I’m glad I went off when I did, I only have gone off so early as I have annual leave to use that work wouldn’t let me roll over or I’d be working another 2 weeks too! I’ve been in and out almost every week with growth and Doppler scans and consultant appointments and it’s all such a pain! I’m glad he will be here a little early but I’m also stressing wanting to feel completely *ready* now!
@Amy-May awww so exciting isn’t it! I feel like I’m just counting down the days now just want him here, I’m suffering with stretch marks and I’ve also past few days developed Pupps rash which is so itchy! X
Thank you guys🤍 I think I just want to feel completely ready but now that I’m slowing down so much getting towards the end I’m fighting it and it’s a constant battle! I think I will just try and take the wins where I can and be “productive” when I feel up to it. Hopefully now that I’m off work I can do a little bit each day
If it makes you feel any better, I may be getting induced in a week and I haven’t even bought a next to me cot yet😂😂 her room looks like storage unit because we’ve recently moved house and her clothes are in bags everywhere. I’m hoping to buy her next to me this week though also need to buy formula and nappies now I think about it because I only bought 1 pack of 24😂 as you can tell I’m clearly not prepared but I blame the fact I have a toddler
@Natalya at least I’m not the only one with a storage room of a nursery😅 I have not much excuse I moved in my second trimester and I have no toddler!
@Jessica I know I’m so excited to meet my boy it makes me cry to think of it!! Itchiness is so annoying, I’ve had a super sore and itchy bellybutton the past few days!
@Amy-May yes my belly buttons been really sore today!! Even to the touch! It’s slowly starting to stick Out too🤣 xx
Washing stuff isn't essential anyway unless it's second hand. If you really want to and have lots then probably just prioritise the stuff for the hospital bag. Dresser is probably a nice to have too, most important thing is that they have someone to sleep and you know how you'll be feeding and cleaning them. Try not to panic, I've not felt any nesting urges yet and I'm 38 weeks (admittedly for me nesting would feel futile as my bathroom is being done so there're tools, materials and new bathroom furniture spread around the house!)
@Lucy yeah a lot of it is second hand from friends or vinted! Especially the smaller sizes as we’ve bought preemie/tiny baby as we’re expecting him to be on or below the 4th centile and a bit early but growth scans can be off so there’s never any knowing if he’ll actually wear any of it!
Don’t stress yourself! It sounds like you’ve had a lot going on. Do it when you have chance, I did little bits each day / every couple of days when stuff was dry. I’ve done pretty much everything, I’m 37 weeks today, however I have been off work for a while due to pregnancy related sickness etc and I still feel unprepared 🥲 you’ve still got a couple of weeks, take it easy (easier said than done, I know) x