I haven’t heard of this. We get the milk on prescription but not been told we can get food 🤔
@Katie same! Would help massively if it was food too
Are you sure she didn't mean formula? Formula you can get on prescription and because it's for babe, it'll be free regardless of your financial situation
I get this through my health insurance and it is for fresh fruits and veggies mine is only $40 but it is nice
@Lottie yes I told them about her prescription milk and she literally used yoghurt, cheese, milk etc as an example
My LB is 2 and was diagnosed with CMPA at a week old. I’ve never had prescription free from food - I don’t think this is a thing but if it is I’m so annoyed as it/has cost me a fortune!
Never heard of food on prescription only formula until 12months
Exactly what I thought but just wanted to make sure as this is what I was told by my HV
Yes…they used to do this for people with coeliac disease too but not sure if they still do it. My baby has diagnosed dairy allergy via testing and we’ve not been told about this though
Prescription food is only for coeliacs in the UK and only consists of usually 1-2 loaves of bread and that's it
My mum has Coeliac’s disease and used to get food on prescription- it stopped a few years ago
Hmm no advice but following