@Veronica I agree pain that's why I think she's constipated - she's had such a mare with reflux and her formula. Thank you for validating us, family keep saying oh babies cry blah blah but it feels worse
Did you try Calpol?
My little boy has been similar and seems to be teething so I’ve given him calpol Ashton and parsons and massaged his gums. It’s tough but hang in there 🫶
Is 12 weeks a bit young for teething??
It may start as early as 3 months old so it is possible. It's just the beginning so it's not gonna come out straight away. But they feel the pain already. If you look on medicine for teething it says 3 months +
As already been said, a wee trip to the Doctor's would help, at the very least just to put your mind at ease. 😁 Xx
If it's very bad and nothing's helping I guess it's worth checking with hv or GP. My baby is 15 weeks old now. About 2 weeks ago (13 weeks) I had 1 or 2 nights that he was screaming. I gave him Calpol and he calmed down. I noticed he was putting fists to his mouth and dribbling a lot. So for us it was the beginning of teething. I bought Teetha granules and teethers. Seems to work so far. I think what you described must be a symptom of pain. So I'd start will Calpol. I hope your baby will be better.