Sleeping through the night?

I see loads of people saying their babies sleep through the night! Like how… mine LG has never done that I’m EFB, she was going feeding twice in the night and could sleep for 5/6hrs at a time Now I’m not sure if she’s going through sleep regression because she’s up every 2 hrs for the last 3 weeks now. (5 wakes a night) I feed and she goes back to sleep, but am I right in feeding every time. It’s says on Google it’s normal for breast fed babies but I’m so sleep deprived. I try and settle her but it never works 😭 Any tips, or anyone else going through the same thing?
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Same thing here 🙌 honestly no two babies are the same. Also 'normal' and 'common' are two VERY different things so please don't think there's anything wrong 🤍 My 1st had a pretty tough regression two. This baby was great going anywhere between 0-2 wakes on a night. I knew it would be short lived and it's common for the first 3-4 months to be the best they sleep for a while 😬 There's a massive developmental leap around 4 months and loads of baby's (and therefore) parents go through sleep disruption now. Night breastmilk has hormones in that help little one drift back off so if that works best for you don't let anyone tell you otherwise. More often than not I feed back to sleep too. Just work out what works for you. It's tough, but everything's a phase 🤍

I pretty much ebf however my LO does have a combi bottle before bed of expressed and formula milk, dad give him this as a way of bonding but I find he sleeps better on the nights we do this than on the nights he has a boob feed before his night sleep.. again no two are the same but would you consider trying it jf you think there’s a chance it could help?

I have no clue how my little boy sleeps through pure luck im guessing but i know it’s a lot more common for ebf babies to have more wakes than formula fed everything has positives and negatives i guess, she’s probably going through a sleep regression at the moment so it should get better over time the only thing i can suggest is trying to settle before feeding and if she will take/your comfortable giving a dummy maybe try that its how we used to get my little boy to sleep independently as a newborn x

I’m in exactly the same boat!! My little boy has never been a good sleeper and it’s a good night if he only wakes up 3 times but he had the 16 week jabs Wednesday and since then been up minimum every 1.5/2 hours!! I’ve started to do formula in the day to wean him into it so I can stop BF at 6 months but so far no difference to the night, I just have a baby that doesn’t want to sleep through and I think it is mostly down to luck! But the multiple night wakes are tough so I’m in it with you x

I’ve never had a stretch since birth that was more than 5 hours lol. And that was one time, I’ve had a few 4 hour stretch’s. But yeah baby is BF and wakes 3-4 times. Baby could be going through a growth spurt and is extra hungry? I’ve stopped changing his diaper every single feed bc then he doesn’t really wake up, he just eats and is drowsy enough to go right back to sleep. Only if it feel super full

EBF here, longest I get is 5hrs at night but she makes up for it then. I've just always assumed that she won't sleep through for a long time and tbh I don't want her too because I want her to get the night milk and by morning my boobs will be so painful 😂 Her sleep regression I find is hitting during the day and will NOT nap some days, so by the evening she's starting her long stretch even earlier. Too early for me to go to bed so her long stretch ends at like 1am and then I'm up every 3hrs until she's up for the 'day' 🥴

Never had a longer stretch than 5 hours and that was weeks ago now! We are waking up every 3 hours on the dot at the moment so usually 3 times overnight xx

@Bianca unfortunately she won’t take a bottle or dummy at all, we’ve been trying everything 🙈

@Georgie omg thank god it’s not just me, but it’s so tough and I feel for you! Tbh she just had her jabs maybe a week ago aswell so this might not have helped either Hopefully just a phase & we can both get through it 🤞🏻😭

@Erin we’re in this together! yes she just always seems hungry 😂 I’ll try settle her and she’ll start sucking on my hand & crying lol It sounds lazy but I’d rather feed and let her go back down, than completely wake her up by being in a state 🙈 but I’ve seen so much stuff about letting them self soothe. To be honest we do this during day time naps though

@Bethan I feel ya! I’m hoping she’ll go back to the 5hrs soon, I clearly just gotta ride it out 😂 my boobs used to get painful too like rocks 😭 (sometimes I would feed on one and express the other) I’ve got so much in the freezer cause she won’t take a bottle We’ve been having some naps during the day just only like 30 mins long, not extending any sleep cycles at all 🙈

My baby has never slept through either. Longest stretch was 5 hours couple months ago now up every 3 and is formula fed so doesn’t always have to do with being bf etc x

EBF too and baby is waking every 2-3 hours to feed, we now bedshare because I was sick of having to transfer her back to the crib for her to wake up straight away lol and it’s sooo much easier now, I just roll her to the side to feed, then roll her back and we’re both back to sleep within 5-10 mins of her waking. It’s the only way I’m able to deal with the frequent wakes and it’s been a godsend tbh! X

Solidarity with you. My EBF baby has gone from 5/6hr stretches to waking every 2/3. I’m sometimes feeding back to sleep and others just cuddling unless she starts nuzzling at me again

My first slept through from 3 months and this baby doesn’t, she’s up at least twice x

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up at least 4/5 times a night.

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