8 months - sleep
I feel awful. My nearly 8 mo will not sleep by himself. In the day he contact naps and in the night we co sleep… but even then he wants to be held.
White noise no longer doing it for him
Any advice? And before anyone mentions I do NOT believe in sleep training
It might be worth you researching different forms of ‘sleep training’ and understanding what you’re happy to do and what you’re not happy to do as it is a very broad brush term. The reality is that falling asleep is a skill and without helping your baby practice and develop that skill then you’ll just have to wait it out until they get older and develop it naturally. But there are many things that come under the ‘sleep training’ umbrella that you can do to practice falling asleep unaided don’t involve letting your baby get upset. For example the ‘soothing ladder method’ where you gradually transition your baby from holding them to sleep to eventually being able to put them down to sleep on their own. Or there is the pick up, put down no cry method. A baby that can’t get themselves to sleep needs to practice which involves some element of being out of their current comfort zone but it is possible to do this without letting your baby cry for any prolonged period of time.