Rock hard Tatas

With my first baby i breastfed/pumped for a month then called it quits because I wasn't supplying enough and I was dying mentally. This go around I chose to do formula from the get go. Well randomly last night my boob's decided to grow what feels like three sizes, are super hard, and nice and sore. I also have hard spots in my underarms that are sore. When I woke up after having slept on my right side I found i was leaking on that side 🙃 Anyway I know I'm engorged, but never had this issue with my first because I pumped and then just stopped supplying. Any tips on how to survive the uncomfortableness that is the two boulders now weighing me down? My doctor just said no stimulation and to wear a tight fitting sports bra and basically wait it out
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I used the breast therapy packs, and they helped me.

Definitely don’t want to be engorged or you’ll get clogged ducts. Take sunflower lecithin supplements to thin your milk so it is less likely to clog. Manually or passively (haka) pump when they’re super engorged for just a couple minutes to relieve tension. Manual expression in a very hot shower focusing on sore spots. Cold packs in tight bra. Look up engorgement masks I think Frida sells them and I’ve heard good things. There’s also a cream that starts with a ‘c’ can’t remember but helps dry up supply. Or you can lean into it and start pumping and supplementing formula with breast milk for a bit! If you have the time and it feels good They say kissing your baby samples their bacteria to help tailor your milk for them if you don’t want to have them on the nipple directly

You have to get some of it out / endorsement is so painful and can cause infection and you don’t want that at all

Start taking Sudafed. Nasal decongestants help dry up milk.

I have been formula feeding since the birth of my first. I had the same issue and my doctor gave me some great things that after like 2-3 days it was gone for the most part and my breasts are back to normal. Zyrtec twice a day, Sudafed (one behind the counter at a pharmacy), ice packs, peppermint tea, and the weirdest of them all. Place frozen cabbage leaves all around the nipple never on it. Make sure to slightly break them up to help. I know how weird that sounds but it seriously worked for me

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