We do one 45 min and 60 min atm and for the first time ever hes sleeping through the night, I think because we reduced the day time sleep!
We were doing 1 nap for a while there but the kast 10 days we seem to have hit Leap 8 and jeez she is a different baby. Miserable, tantrums etc so back up to 2 naps a day and multiple wakes up during the night. Hoping the leap passes soon! When we did 1 nap it was at 12 to half 2 with 7am wake up and 7.30pm Bed time. Now we do a nap around 10 for 1hr and another at 2pm for an hour
My LO has been on one nap since 11.5 months. Wake up by 7.15/7.30 latest, but usually earlier. Nap around 12.15pm, usually ends up being 1-1.5 hours. Bedtime 7.30/7.45pm.
We on 2 naps but thinking it's time to transition soon! Morning nap is only 20mins anyway for us x
At nursery she only has one nap at home it depends what we are doing but generally 2 naps still x
At the moment it changes a little depending on if she's been ill, or teething, growth spurt, if she's been swimming, out all day in the cold.... On the MOST part, she has dropped to one nap as I think the habit came from nursery who only nap once a day too. She will nap from 12.30 for a minimum of 2 hours, sometimes more. Then bedtime is at 7pm
we do 2x hour and a half naps! one at 10 and one at 2:40 my little one isn’t quite ready for 1 nap a day yet i don’t think!