Overdue and impatient to! I keep getting bad cramps on the evenings, the first night I thought I got that weird feeling that something had changed but I was wrong 😅
For my first I went into labour the day before my due date and it was a shock 😂 I had a bad tummy just before the contractions started but nothing else. This time, I’d had two sweeps in the 4 days leading up to my due date as baby was measuring big, so was less of a shock/I really wanted the sweeps to work to avoid induction and being away from my little boy too long x
No signs for me! My waters just broke and then started contractions straight away! X
That’s great it was a shock, reminds us mums that are still waiting that it could happen any time
This is my second baby, my first was born at 34 weeks after my waters ruptured and my second came at 38 weeks after my waters went again. With both, I had more bowel movements for a week or two before, not diarrhoea though! Back ache with both for a week or two before, this time it was more persistent but I put it down to having a 21 month old to chase after! Also tiredness, a week before my waters went in both pregnancies I was soooo tired but with small bursts of energy here and there! I don’t remember the first time feeling that hormonal but wow, this time, on the Thursday ( my waters went on the Sunday) I couldn’t stop crying, it was all consuming! I do think that was a major flag but I wasn’t aware of it at the time! First time round I had no idea but I didn’t expect my waters to go at 34 weeks, this time I had an inkling that my body was getting ready, only because it felt so similar to the last time with regards to going to the toilet and tiredness!!
Nothing I was 12 days over, I had my second sweep lost a little plug then boom contractions started 11 pm x
Following because I'm overdue and impatient 😄