Start to panic?

These are mommed 25miu tests so not very sensitive, but the lines staying the same. Bottom one is compared to a 10miu easy@home a few days ago for comparison. I have read some reviews that these tests don’t get dark dye and never get dark lines, but I can’t help but panic. Anyone with any experience of these tests? I’m 6+1 and my BBT is still way high. Got early scan booked at EPU tomorrow anyway as I’ve had recurrent miscarriages and trying to get progesterone supplement. What do we think? Do I need to start preparing for the worst?
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Tbh babe the tests do look like they have progressed ☺️x

that's what mine looked like I thought exactly the same thing but just know pregnancy test are a bit iffy after 6 weeks they can get lighter then get darker ..they look great to me and have progressed wonderfully,the 10imu one you will get a dye stealer on as that 6 days before you period ,you over 2+ weeks past that ...missed period uses 25 imu ...chances are your hormones are in the 100s/1000s which will make the test not be as accurate as it was 2-3 weeks ago when you first took one 7 weeks my lines looked like this and stayed the same xx We had a scan yesterday and we saw a heartbeat ,when your hormones are high hundreds or thousands a 25ium test will not be great,I found that the cheaper tests don't react great to high HCG ..xx

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