Play pen

Is 17 months too old for a play pen?
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i don’t think so! we dont have one but if we did i’d be happy to use it with my 18m old x

We just put our down for our almost 14 month old as its just so big but she loved it until we zipped the door closed and then screamed as she was restricted so be prepared to get your LO used to it. X

Probably not but it may time some time getting used to. They are more aware as they get older so may protest against the feeling of being locked up more

If they’re at danger to themselves then no 🤣. Mind you, mine didn’t like it when we had one.

We still use ours and my son is 3. Now it’s just a corral to keep toys inside basically. And I think it’ll be helpful as we’re having our second this week - so he can keep his toys “away” from the baby. But the playpen never worked for me to be able to put my kid down and just walk away and do something else. He just wasn’t that kind of baby/younger toddler!

I purchased a huge 74x74 pack and play for my 1 year 7month toddler

I upgraded my son to a bigger one😂😂it’s HUGE. It even has a couch in it😂 he loves it and I love it bc it keeps him restricted and Ik what is in there so I don’t have to worry too much about him choking on something when he’s in it. Plus I don’t feel bad leaving him in it bc it’s so huge😂😂 and tbh he loves it too when he’s tired of me he tries to climb back into it😂BEST purchase ever

Mine is 19 months old, and I still use her playpen. I let her play her self down in it before bed

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