That’s so reassuring @emma thanks!
@Laura I know I just feel i should be hitting those HCG levels by now as I’m way past 3 weeks
The HCG numbers range is huge for 6 weeks it’s something like 200-30,000! And anything in between is normal x
It is frustrating now I’ve reached the 3+ I’m more reassured it’s understandable x
@Laura oh I didn’t know that actually!
I think it can only give dates for early pregnancy. I wouldn’t worry. Why are you still testing?
@Michelle just worried really and want to see the progression
They count from ovulation. I’m 5 weeks as that was the date of my last period but my test showed as 1-2
I did a clear blue and I was 6 weeks 3 days and came up 3+ before that I was getting 2-3 all the time maybe wait till 6 weeks or just over and re test