8 month regression

Hey mamas! What has the 8 month regression looked like for your little? Does it seem different from the other months? My son has been waking up screaming and crying at night for the last couple of nights. The only way to console him has been to give him a bottle and medicine. He went from no night time feeds to 2. So because of this we thought it was teething. He’s also been extremely restless when he sleeps. But he’s only doing it at night. And teething pain is usually an all day thing with him. So it’s gotta be regression?? Motherhood is unlocking new levels each month 🥴🫣
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Teething pain is all day but for my baby she shows it the most at night because there’s nothing else going on so the pain is more obvious. During the day she has sensory distractions so it’s not as obvious. It can be either teething or developmental. My baby would scream cry at night half asleep every 1-2 hours. Sometimes she can be soothed back to sleep but sometimes she’d be awake for hours before she goes back to sleep, or need a bottle. My baby was never the type that’d sleep through the night

My babygirl was like for two nights would just cry and scream and I tried everything. Burping bicycles with her leg bc I thought she had gas gave her a warm bath rocking her every thing I gave her Tylenol and she like 10/15 mins she finally fell asleep

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