
Does anyone do a snack box/jar/cupboard that their little one has access to whenever they want throughout the day? Would love some inspiration! I love the idea of putting out a set amount each day and allowing her independence to eat them when she chooses
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I have a snack cupboard for him he's welcome to grab whenever he wants (apart from too close to dinner or bed depending what it is). The cupboard is full of little chocolates, crisps, fruity bars, oaty bars, muffins, biscuits ect. Then every morning after breakfast, I put out a plate of strawberries, a banana, sweetcorn and yoghurt. Just enough for a few hours then I refill it with the same. Some days he demolishes it, others he barely touches. He's somehow learnt all the healthy stuff is in the fridge so if he wants anything extra he'll grab my hand, ask for pickup and point to what he wants😂

Same as above :)

We have a bottom drawer which we use as the snack drawer and fill it up with all our crisps, baby bars, soreen bars, biscuits etc. My boys will go to help themselves to it during the day and are pretty good, sometimes I do have to say no if they pick out crisps for example at 9am 😂 but I think it’s a good idea and it means our cupboard space isn’t completely taken up by kids snacks x

We don’t at the minute with LO but do during school holidays with her brother as he is one to constantly ask for snacks. LO snacks on rice cakes, raisins, fruit pouches, oat bars, crisps, yoghurt covered strawberries, crackers, biscuits, fruit. She’s a big snacker, and often she’ll have snack plates instead of a sandwich or something for lunch. I usually do a little snack selection mid morning and mid afternoon, but she asks if she wants anything really

Yeah he has his own snack cupboard he had it since he was one and he always used it to get his fruit pouches from. Now he’s nearly two and he hardly goes in it anymore which makes me a little sad because now he asks for certain foods/drinks instead.

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