
Anyone else starting to wean their little one at 4 months old? My little one is gaining weight slowly! She’s 16 weeks and is only 11lb 3oz and only on the 2nd percentile! She also suffers with bad reflux!
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Their digestive systems aren’t mature enough for food until 6 months. My daughter is 16 weeks and on the 15th centile so she’s not huge but some babies are just meant to be smaller than others x

as someone who’s worked in a nursery, their digestive systems are mature enough! but in my for for certain foods and textures! it is strict but it is possible, always speak to your health visitor! x

Given the recommendation isn’t until 6 months, I wouldn’t unless advised to by a paediatrician

as a nursery practitioner, it is possible and they do sell a range of 4 month food pouches in the shop, id always do plenty of research and always speak to HV first, but ultimately they’re your baby and you know best! there are a lot of strict rules around it, they can’t have a lot of foods and it has to be a specific texture. but it is possible and we’ve had a lot of baby’s that are little or suffer badly with reflux on food around 4/5 months x

I weaned my first born (9 years old) at 4 months, I hate to say I just didn't research into it, but my second I did my research and waited until 6 months, I'll be doing the same this time, even longer if I don't think he's ready. Unless you've been advised to by HV/dietician I would wait xx

My baby is also only on the 1st percentile at 14 weeks! How are you feeding the baby? If you are ebf have you thought about adding formula top ups ?

I've been told to wean my little girl at 17 weeks by paediatric doctor and dietitian. She also suffers with bad reflux, went from 75th percentile to 15th. She's 13 weeks now.

Mine is 15 weeks and is second centile I’ve been to consultant appointments as he needed weight management and she said my placenta made him 50th centile but when he was born he dropped to second as that’s just what he was meant to be. I wouldn’t start feeding just yet tbh xx

I'm going to as she needs to gain weight as we're below the 0.4th centile at 15 wks and just not gaining properly. I'm waiting to hear from a dietitian (no idea how long it's going to take) but the docs in the hospital didn't say i couldn't 🤷‍♀️ I'm not planning on going overboard with it. Only a tiny amount per day 🤞

@Emily my little one is below the 0.4th centile too. Havent spoken to anyone else with a little one thats the same. I constantly get comments when im out about how tiny she is which can be a lot sometimes! Can i pop you a message? X

@Lily yeah go for it. It's always open

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