Why do you think you've had a drop in supply?
@Natalie I think stressing and not drinking enough water
@Cecilia What signs is baby showing that makes you think your supply has dropped? Are they have plenty of wet nappies? Are they gaining weight? If the answer to both the above is yes then there isn't any supply issues. How old are they? There are a lot of growth spurts where they cluster feed but it doesn't mean they aren't getting enough?
@Natalie okay thanks she has plenty of wet diapers and is chunky, I just been wanting to keep a stash of milk but when I pump I can’t even get a ounce anymore
@Cecilia sounds like you are producing exactly what she needs which isn't a bad thing.
Drink lots of water, you can try taking supplements like moringa and goats rue. The best thing for your supply is your baby if you breastfeed as they can suck out more milk than you can pump so putting them on the boob regularly. If you don't then my LC recommended throwing in a few extra pumping sessions.