My boy is the same size as my friends 3 months. When my friends baby was born he was the same size as my soon at about 3 months xx
Oh and just to add - although my daughter walked later than most of her peers, she isn’t physically behind in the slightest, she can walk, run, climb, etc perfectly fine. Parents are so rushed these days to have their child hit all these milestones as fast as possible, when in reality it’s not a medical concern at all
@Lauryne ah that pic is very helpful, thank you!
Hey girl, my boy is 2 now. He didn’t crawl or walk until the month before his first birthday, and decided to do both the same week. He mostly relied on bum shuffling to get around instead but that took a while too. Didn’t like being on his stomach so didn’t roll either really. He’s now super active and does flips off the sofa and is impossible to catch. Honestly she’s still young and they’re all different. I know the feeling of worry, it tore me up for months.. but honestly there’s time. Try to push the worry away and just keep trying with her. Practise makes perfect and she’ll pick it up eventually, when she’s ready. I always take the milestones with a pinch of salt for this reason. You’ll find she’ll be way ahead with something she shouldn’t be doing yet but not doing something it says she should be.💖 This is also useful to look at! For example if your girl started crawling within the next month, she would be 50th centile. My daughter was 99th centile in pretty much all the physical milestones and even with her only starting to crawl at 13 months old she still wasn’t late according to the WHO, and no dr or HV was concerned
My daughter didn’t crawl till 10 months old and she didn’t walk till she was 16 months old honestly try not to worry about it. So much pressure is put on mums nowadays about your baby should be doing this and that. Honestly take no notice, your lovely baby will be just fine and will get there in her own time 🩷🩷🩷
Try not to compare! (I know easier said than done lol) my LG is 7.5 months and she is barely starting to plank. She actually was really good at rolling and then decided that she didn’t want to anymore lol she’ll roll onto her stomach but refuses to roll back and at this point I’m just like “whatever”. Try not to stress, everything will be alright 🩷
My boy is 6 months and tiny on the 9th centile and I do notice babies the same ages hitting milestones before him but they’re all much much bigger than him so I think potentially it could that xx