My daughter drinks milk before bed around 7:30 and still has a night feed at midnight then she sleeps through till 7am she’s 16 months, I’m just going to wait till she grows out of it. I have reduced the night bottle though it’s 150ml half full fat milk and half water. I can’t remember when my son dropped the night feed… he’s 3 but eventually they just stop lol. Maybe make sure dinner is quite substantial I’ve found this helps to reduce feeds x
Yeap. The only way to get back to sleep🫠
I’ve started leaving her water bottle in the corner of the cot so she can help herself if she wakes. I can tell she’s had it in the night because it’s always moved by morning, so I think it definitely helps 👌🏻
Yup! I went through a time when I thought I will just have to go cold turkey and worrying what I’m doing wrong but my mum reassured me that he’s a baby and he will grow out of it. What I try to do though is not give straight away. I try soothing with cuddles first then water then if he’s absolutely adamant he’s wanting milk then I’ll give it. It doesn’t seem to matter if he’s had lots of solids during the day either ☹️
Yes, still two bottles here! I've tried comforting in other ways but it never works. He's not a great eater so I can't be sure he's not hungry either. Hoping he just grows out of it by himself!
Yes mine! You’re not alone. I have started to let him have the first one and then when he wakes for the second one just offering him water, because I’m certain it’s just for comfort and so he can get out of his cot 🤣. X